Monday, December 6, 2010

Man Bashing

You heard it here first!!!

Well, maybe not. You may have already read the paper...but today in "Dear Abby" a woman writes -

DEAR ABBY: My husband has a tendency to "almost" complete things, but seldom actually does. The discards make it as far as the counter above the trash container where they belong. The hose carrier gets put back two feet from where it's supposed to go. He'll leave his jacket on the chair right next to the coat closet. Get the picture?

My husband is a great guy and he does a lot around the house. It's just that these "almosts" are so consistent that I'm curious about whether they're symptomatic of a kind of disorder. - Maine Observer

DEAR OBSERVER: With the understanding that I am not licensed in any state of the Union to make a definitive diagnosis, it appears that your husband is either easily distracted or a wee bit...lazy. - Abby

Bwahaha. ROTFL. "Disorder", indeed. Yeh, Observer, him and his legion of brothers!!!

'Nuff said.

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