Monday, February 28, 2011

It's All About Me - Revisited

Boy I hate it when I have to come back and severely edit a post. Ohhhhhh. Wow.

Anyway I started by saying that...

Farm Boy got a phone call the other night. Someone had issues. Thought they'd been left out of the loop. Felt there was information they should have been privy to, and when they didn't get the full scoop they considered it vote of 'lack of confidence'. They were ready to fold their tent and get the heck out of Dodge.

Farm Boy wasn't quite sure what to do and hands the phone off to me, telling our caller that I can fill him in on the situation better than he can.


Let's be clear...this was not a teenager. It was a mature person who had been given a calling. It was a delicate situation but his main duty was just to be there, act normal and help with whatever, whenever it was requested...

As I tried to explain the condensed story he just wasn't feeling it.

The core of my comments were a call to compassion, understanding and service. A gently held carrot coaxing a recalcitrant horse through the gate. An extension of all my feminine wiles to placate a man's wounded vanity. It's the same story/scenario which has been repeated between the sexes since the dawn of time. A diplomatic masterpiece that would have been much more satisfying welded as a baseball bat. However there were other people to consider so diplomacy was the weapon of choice.

I ended the conversation by reminding this man how much I valued his friendship and how much I cared for him.

You know what he said?

"Yes, I know you do. But it isn't enough."

And then he hung up.


You know, there are a lot of people who need help and fellowship. We've been told to lengthen our stride and we should, but, the fact is that we're not going to be able to be everything for everyone.

Sometimes I find I've over scheduled myself...and unfortunately that means that I'm probably not doing any one thing REALLY well, but I keep stumbling on anyway, doing the best I can at the moment.

You know, I used to watch my father beat the crap out of my mother. I definitely grew up with a bad attitude about the "Me Tarzan, You Jane," I've got to be in charge at all cost, types.

As for  "our friend," you know, the "it's all about me" guy...

Oh, Deep, Cleansing. Breaths.

Don't know what to say. Except, thanks for hanging up. An age old frustration burns and I'm left with the final assessment of:

Ego...thy name is MAN.

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