Friday, January 29, 2010

Just Having a "Little Moment"


Trying to figure out how to spell a word. Grab my trusty Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary (copyright 1975.) Old faithful. I've had it for - ahem, a year or two. As The Youngest so blithely announced the other day...Mom, I don't know if that dictionary will do you any good. I don't think they had that word back then.  Grrrrrrrr. Smart alec.


I'm flipping thru the pages. 'Cause, like, you know, if you don't know how to spell it you're seldom going to turn directly to it. My eyes kind of widen, because I'm turning pages rather fast, but wait. That illustration. What????

Dictionary Porn?

Oh, I see.

Skunk cabbage.

Snicker. Snicker.

Okay class, let's see if the old dictionary has "phallic symbol" in it....

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