Sunday, February 21, 2010

Snarky Blogger

Is it just me? Or is everyone pickin' on poor ol' Holden Caulfield lately?

There was an article in the local newspaper last week about Catcher in the Rye. Saw other comments on the book in a magazine article I was reading at the doctors office and it even rated a mention on the radio. Geez, the book was published what - 50 years ago? But Salinger passed away last month and Catcher in the Rye is getting some more press.


Basically the comments boiled down to it being JD Salinger's chronicle of the teen angst of "my" generation. The commentators seem split down the middle, either hated the book or loved it. So pick whichever side you'd like (I have no particular preference) - the one comment that got my attention was that if it were published today it would just be like reading something by a snarky blogger....

Bwahahaha. Nothing like a succinct comment to relegate a work of literature to a one liner.

And nothing brightens up a day like some good, old fashioned, backstabbing, venomous, snarky blogging...


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