Wednesday, October 6, 2010

What If I Gave A Party And Nobody Came?

Not a problem last nite. Service project. Ward cannery session.

I'm well aware that I have "control issues." I like to have all my ducks in a row, things nicely planned out, all eventualities covered. However, I unwittingly went into that dark night unprepared. Thought I had it all together...

But I was WRONG.

Yes, you heard it here first ...

I was wrong.

It wasn't that we had too many people, or too much to do. Mostly it was just me overestimating my ability to tackle the amount of work that needed to be done in the given time frame.

So live and learn. Everyone was very patient. Very pleasant and very helpful. I gained some valuable insights. (Never too old to learn, yes?) And we got 'er done. The Youngest was absolutely magnificent. A few noble friends came to my rescue and Farm Boy was working at the other end of the operation pushing it along. His shirt was soaked with sweat before we were done and he made sure I knew that!

The time went fast. Still we were grateful when it was time to go home. As we left, the three of us looked at each other and definitely agreed it was a pizza nite. No one wanted to cook.

When we were comfortably flopped in our chairs, gnawing on our crusts, the dear husband managed to succinctly convey his thoughts on being recruited for the nite's endeavor... he looked at me and said in the nicest possible way:

"The next time you throw a party like this - feel free not to invite me."


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