Monday, November 23, 2009

Button, Button. Who's Got the Button.

My hand mirror is gone again. Let me emphasize the MY part. I use it everyday. I'm not vain. I don't stare at my image for hours on end, just use it to put on my makeup and pluck errant chin hairs. (More information than you wanted right?) Life will go on. I can live without it, but....why should I have to???

Let me tell you the tale of two mirrors. One belonged to the princess and had been in her family for many, many years. It was a lovely mirror, with gold gilt and two sides. (One with a nifto keeno magnified side.) The other mirror was an estate cast off. Functional. A mirror. It ended up in the garage where the man of the house used it to get a better look at things when he was working on his vehicles. This should have been a "and they lived happily ever after each with their own mirrors" kind of story, but...

Have you ever noticed how handy that little word "but" is???

The man was covetous of the magnified mirror. The princess would open her cupboard only to find her lovely gold mirror gone. He needed it, he said. It worked better, he said. And finally after he had taken her lovely gold mirror out to the garage enough times that he had mucked it all up he proposed a trade. His mirror was much nicer now to look at and wouldn't the princess like it instead?

"Fine," she said. It wasn't her gold mirror but it worked and maybe this one would stay in her cupboard.

And now it too is gone. For the last several weeks it has come and gone and now finally it's just gone. He is using it and can't be bothered to put it back where he found it.

This does not surprise the princess.

The fact that he has apparently lost or broken her gold mirror (neccessitating the theft borrowing on a no return basis of the other mirror) does not surprise her either.

The princess does wonder though, where the good surprises in life went?

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