Monday, November 2, 2009

Should Be Dusting

I have to ration my time at the local library. If I go there too often, I pick out a lot of books and if you have books you have to read them, right???? If one spends too much time reading, other things go by the wayside and my family for some reason thinks they need clean socks in their drawers, food on the table. That's my job, I work part time out of the house but my full time job is riding herd on the...herd.

So back to the books. Reading a western. Mind candy. I seldom tackle the kind of books that involve getting out a dictionary to figure out what the heck that big word means or ones where I have to read a page at a time and then take the rest of the day off to digest it and figure out what the author is trying to tell me. Sorry, just not a War & Peace fan. (Unless, of course, I can't get to sleep.)

I like the simple, hit you in the face, type of stuff. Today, for instance, our young hero, Hardy, has had a difficult and trying experience. He recounts the story to a friend, trying to understand "why me?" His friend, Sgt. Stebbins, answers:

"Look here...I've seen some strange things, heard of more, too. Probably was fate...Maybe it was like the Last Supper. Whatever it was, you won't forget it, I'll tell you this. Things like that never go away."

Hardy knew all about that. He was already toting a burdensome pack of memories, some good, some bad, and for certain, they never went away. Lately, the load seemed to be getting heavier. Well, he felt a little better after telling his story to Sgt. Stebbins. A man just couldn't go on mumbling to himself all of the time.

But then again, he knew a man had to give trouble a good kick in the ass and get on with his life - grab life by the throat and shake the heck out of it. That was the gumption Grandfather was always talking about.

Maybe I like the "mind candy" because it so often mirrors my simplistic view of life. Give it a good kick in the ass and get on with it. Occasionally you're going to get bogged down with the detritus of life and it helps to have someone who will listen to you vent, or a journal so you can line your thoughts out or...

blog, anyone???

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