Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Dear Abby

The Farm Boy cringes when I read Dear Abby. It makes me laugh.  Great exercise in: When pointing fingers make sure you take a looksee at who is pointing back...

So this gem was about in-law problems.

BITING MY TONGUE in St. Paul, Minn. says: How does one live peacefully and get along with one's in-laws...While I try to respect one another's differences how does one eat at the same table with people who eat with their faces an inch from their plates and chew with their mouths open? How does one tolerate their complaining about everything & everyone? How does one coexist with people who think they're perfect and the rest of the world is flawed. I thought about giving them an etiquette book as a gift, but my spouse told me not to waste the money.

ABBY replies: An etiquette book would help only those who recognize they needed to consult one. The way to deal with your in-laws is, first, to remember they did one thing right: They produced your husband. Because their table manners offend you, visit them after mealtime whenever possible. When they complain, respond with something positive or tactfully redirect the conversation to another subject. When they present themselves as perfect, never disagree - and see them as infrequently as possible.

Ah, yes, tried & true advise.



How long has it been since I've seen the kids?


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