Sunday, March 6, 2011

It's Been One of Those Weeks

I need to turn to more light hearted posts. Find something funny, clever, witty to talk about, but first...

Without going into details I need to confess that I was asked, the other day, to do something.

"And?" You say...

Well, yes, at first blush I know it appears I am being a crank again.

I don't mind helping people. I do mind enabling people, especially those who are younger, fitter, and more able than I. And when they want me to pay their way, do their jobs, take care of their tasks, or personal chores that they are just flat TOO LAZY or cheap to do?

Fortunately she surprised me so badly that I was struck momentarily speechless, therefore by the time I was ready to ask her what her last slave had died of - the moment had passed...

On the polar end of the spectrum I am regularly dismayed, by the amount of people who can truly use assistance. There are many who have not had the physical, spiritual or financial blessings that some of the rest of us have. This morning a sweet woman, who has battled a series of health crisis's, was overwhelmed. This lovely lady needed, at the very least, a friend, a confidante.

This week I've run into people who have no respect for other's property, time or feelings.  On the other hand I've seen humble people who are lonely and discouraged who could truly use some help. I have little patience for the first. Almost limitless sympathy for the last.

The sad thing is that the entitlement babies are a yawning, mass of self centered neurosis's. You literally can't do enough for them.

More heartbreaking are those truly in need. They ask so little. They expect even less. And because of that they so often go unnoticed, especially when they're surrounded by the "ME" menagerie.

I weary of the madding crowd. Sometimes it seems a fine irony that we're commanded to esteem our brother even as our selves because some of those selfish souls use all the available oxygen leaving the frail ones to faint.

And that just doesn't seem fair.


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