Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Practical Jokes 101

I've mentioned that #1 Daughter is a jock, right? If you want to send her running down the street, screaming, just shake something pink & lacy at her....

So she calls tonight with a tale. Her friend, Joseph, is helping her move her stuff at school  into storage for the summer. They're unloading. She comes around the side of the car. Joseph is frantically struggling with a storage tub. The lid has fallen off, he's trying mightly to keep the contents of the tub from spilling and grab the lid whilst clutching something in his  hand. He sees her and starts to apologize and stutters, the lid...it fell off...I didn't mean...

#1 Daughter is like...whatever. Stuff happens. Then looks again. What does he have clenched in his hand? It's black, it's lacy...it is a Black. Lacy. Strapless. Bra...

The poor young man has this, deer in the headlights, look. Caught handling her delicates.

#1 Daughter takes a breath and gets things sorted out.

Heads back to her apartment and demands: "Okay, roomies...who does the strapless bra belong to?" And relates her little adventure.

Sophie hits the floor laughing.

Apparently a neighbor had given Sophies family some clothing which included the brassiere. Sophie, knowing #1 Daughter's allergy to all things lace, stuffed it into the tub. Hoping it would be good for a laugh. When she found it at some fortuitous time. In the distant future. While unpacking.

Having Joseph doing a rumba with it, now, in the middle of the night, instead?

Even better.

Much...much better.

1 comment:

Paige said...

Yeah well the bra has made it back to sophie's house stuffed and tied around her computer. I also gave her little brothers my nerf gun. All they had to do was promise to get sophie for me. I will go down with a fight.