Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Vision Check

I have a co-worker who redefines creative absentee excuses. I'm usually ready to hear a really good story. Sometimes I'd almost pay to be a State Trooper for a day so I could catch some of the better "fish stories" for speeding. But this gal is so bad that we almost started a David Letterman Top 10 100 list of reasons why she couldn't come to work. She is beyond determined to utilize every single day of paid sick leave and personal leave that is available to her. I, on the other hand, work part time. No paid leave - for anything. If I'm not there when I said I would be, trust me, there is a valid reason.

I've always had a certain admiration for the folks who didn't bother offering silly excuses about absences. They're pretty frank about just not being in "the mood" to work. One of my favorites that I've heard is..."I won't be in today. I'm sick. Sick & tired of being sick and tired of this job." Which is why I got a chuckle from Pearl of  http://www.pearl-whyyoulittle.blogspot.com/ this morning. She says her favorite call in line was..."I've got a little eye problem..." which meant that she couldn't see herself going into work that day.

If I were the boss and she didn't abuse the privilege I'd have to laugh and give her a pass for the day.

So... was talking to The Commander. He & the wife will be moving soon. He has short timer's syndrome and is a little tired of the current job. Told me he'd seriously debated calling in recently, but being a reliable sort, refrained from playing hooky. Still, even tho he made it to work his motivation level was a bit low. But when he walked into the men's room, however, and saw a plumber trying to unclog a plugged toilet...and watched as the brown swamp rose and overflowed onto the man's pant leg and down into his boot...

He noted, "MY job was suddenly looking a lot better."


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