Sunday, June 20, 2010

Utah Drivers

Ever notice how people drive differently in different places? Some areas are slow and courteous, others fast and furious, while more are known for just being freakin' crazy? Seattle is one of the freakin' crazies. LA...haven't been there for a while but when I was, yeah, it was fast paced but other driver's made way for you. Now Utah...hmmm.

For a bunch of righteous people they have a tendency to get in their rigs and well, let's say they live/drive in their own little "bubble." The corner by The Commander's new house had horns blaring, followed by loud thumps and crashes on several occasions during the 5 days we were there.

Now, when I was younger, I too, used to drive considerably faster. But holding a CDL and age have made me a bit more cautious. I'm always usually amused by the people who are in a great hurry. They speed, duck, dive & weave their way thru traffic. On the open road that may get you there a little quicker.

In town?

Well - how many times have you thought unkind thoughts about that sporty little car that redefined reckless driving only to catch up to him/her at the next stop light.

Am I the only one who looks over and smirks at them?

I'm constantly lecturing The Youngest about good driving habits. "Signal your intent or die," is a favorite saying of mine. So imagine my chagrin when being late the other day, I was trying to maximize my opportunities and ended up hitting every red light on a particular stretch of road.

I was somewhat... frustrated.

As I pulled up to yet another red light after skillfully navigating thru and around obstructing traffic, The Youngest,  having watched me smirk at dozens of darting sports cars in times past, deadpans...

"Traffic Lights. The great equalizers."

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