Monday, December 13, 2010

Help Me Help My Stupid Self

I always take an extra moment before I leave my vehicle on the days that I have to work. I stop and let Him know that I'm grateful for the opportunity to work and ask for help and that He will watch over me & those I care about while I'm away from home.

Sometimes when our Assistant Postmaster hears us drive up she unlocks the door and leaves it open for us to come in. But usually she waits for me to knock so she doesn't interrupt me.

One day she started to open the door, saw it was me and closed it.

I knocked to be let in shortly thereafter.

"Well, that didn't take long," she said as she let me in.

I just grinned.

'Cause, really, it doesn't take long to ask to be able to make it thru the day, and for help to not be a butt head!

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