Monday, May 31, 2010

Careful Robin, Both Hands on the Bat Rope!

In our immediate "circle" of friends and acquaintances within the last several months or so there has been a brain tumor, kidney cancer, a hip replacement that became a life threatening incident, a stroke, depression and a suicide attempt, plus a few smaller medical procedures that pale in the light of the above and general aches and pains that have turned once vital adults into aging wrecks. A boat capsized during a windstorm in the river forcing a friend to swim in frigid waters for nearly a mile before being able to drag himself to shore. A garage was destroyed by a fire caused by careless teens who were partying. At least four marriages have come apart at the seams due to midlife crisises leaving heartbreak and mayhem in their wake. Financial ruin is rearing its ugly head and the house around the corner is going into foreclosure. The list goes on.

Holy heart failure, Batman! What the heck is going on?

I know we must pass thru and endure trials in order to grow. Collectively, we haven't even begun to match Job, but then most of us really probably weren't expecting our faith to be tested to that extent. Were we? Add this stuff to last years funerals and Batman the Bishop will surely be the first to yell, "Come on, Robin, to the Bat Cave! There's not a moment to lose."

I doubt we'll be charging out in the Batmobile to save anyone tho...we'll just hang out down there playing a new game.

It's called, Duck & Cover.

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