Monday, July 19, 2010

A Difficult Woman

Silly Sally. She just never seems to know when to stop...

Sam was busy picking on George for missing a meeting. Poor George was confused...what meeting?

 "Well," Sam says, "I told you." When further inquiry is made he changes his story to..."well, I told Sally."

So Sally, being Sally, goes up to Sam. He is entrenched amongst a group of men who have all been having some fun at George's expense. She grasps him gently, but firmly by the arm (so he couldn't get away), looks him squarely in the eye and quietly says...."you told me?"

Sam, casting a sideways look at the rest of the guys, decides to brazen it out. "Yeah, I called you two or three times yesterday."

"You called me twice. Once to arrange another meeting, the second call was to change the time of that meeting." Sally raised an eyebrow, "And in neither call was there any mention of George."

There's a small silence as Sam decides whether he wants to have this

"Well," Sam finally allows (glancing again at the guys), "I may have forgot to mention it."

"Ahhh." Sally says. Now that was cleared up she smiles sweetly, pats his arm and trots away.

The boys don't appreciate Sally.

Sally, well... Sally doesn't like to cause a scene but she's not a fan of the "pass the buck" crowd. Because when they do that in front of poor, impressionable George he gets the idea that that's acceptable behavior. And you know, that pass the buck thing tends to end up looking a lot like - lying.

And Sally is a straight shooter. She' kinda likes the man who once had a sign on his desk that proclaimed...

The Buck Stops Here.

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