Saturday, March 27, 2010

Exit Strategy

Sometimes we get to chatting and time slips away from us...what's to do? Well, first off, if you're visiting say, at my house, and neither of us have anything pressing to do and we're enjoying ourselves - then let's keep talking!

However, if the time has come that I need for you to leave, several things will happen...

First - I'll glance (once) at my watch/or clock and say, "Oh, look at the time, I have to....", or if I've no child to pick up or appointment to go to (see, one doesn't want to lie), then I'll wait for a lull in the conversation, put a pleasant smile on my face & maybe clasp my hands gently together, tell you "Well, it's been lovely having the chance to visit, it's been great (or fill in the appropriate adjective) to see you. Thank you for coming,"

Then I'll gracefully rise and take a step toward the door.

If you're not moving I may extend one of those hands that have been so gently folded and graciously indicate the way to the exit.

Now see, this is where y'all need to pay attention.

Get up.


Atta girl/boy!!!

AND If. You. Need. To. Leave. Please feel free to follow the same procedure.  Politely end the conversation. Follow the above strategy and we'll all meet at the door.

Only it's my house remember -

I stay.

You still go.

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