Friday, March 19, 2010

Smelling Good

Sitting in the foyer last Sunday at church. Waiting, somewhat impatiently, for my people to be ready to leave. Three + hours of sitting. I'm done here. Wendy comes and settles beside me to chat. She starts leaning in...sniffs..."ummmm, you smell good. Really good!"

"Thanks," I say. I kinda shrug my shoulder to get her sitting back upright.

She leans in to sniff again. "It's.."

"Burt's Bees..." I start.

"Honey & Orange Wax!!!" She supplies. "I love that stuff! You'll have all the guys buzzing around!"


Now that thought gave me a moments pause. (It wasn't a necessarily good moment either LOL)

My response?

"Whatever....just as long as they don't try to pollinate."

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