Tuesday, March 2, 2010


My neice blogged recently about a trip to Walmart...with her two young daughters. Says Abby:  "What was I thinking?????"

So a couple of days later when I was at the grocery store, in the parking lot... Was stowing my bags and watching a young mother. She had the cutest little girl, about 6-7 months old, in the grocery cart. An adorable two year old was trailing behind her. Mom kept sweetly encouraging him to keep up. Tried to hold his hand as she pushed the cart. It was awkward. The baby bobbled around and the two year old wanted to run and kept pulling his hand out of hers. Mom diligently worked it. He was an active toddler. You understand the term, understatement, right? Made it to her car to unload and turned to push the cart to the cart rack.

Note:  The cart rack is one of those double sided ones that can be accessed from either end. You put the cart in on the right side as you face it. That bar (the small one) swings inward so the cart can be pushed through. The left hand bar will not open from this side. Their arrow probably needs to be a lot bigger.

Just as Mom starts to push her cart toward the rack opening our two year old jets. She is finally exasperated. She gives the cart a firm shove and lunges for the boy. There is a loud crash. She turns (with our runner clenched in her grasp) and gasps. She had shoved the cart (with baby still in it) at the rack on the left hand side. The cart hit the unmovable bar and came to an - abrupt halt. Baby girl holds her breath for several seconds and Starts. To. Wail.

Oh dear.

The young woman soothes her daughter. She'll be okay. She wasn't hurt, mostly startled by the noise. Poor baby. Poor mom. I'm thinking she's ready to go home. Who'd have thought an early morning shopping trip with two little people could be such a hassle?

Ah memories. I so have the - been there, done that t-shirt.

I quickly duck into my van. I don't want her to see me laughing.

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