Saturday, September 11, 2010

Hi Ho, Hi Ho, It's Off To Work...

One drawback to being employed by the USPS, especially as a mail carrier, is that you're a little further into people's business than you'd usually like to be. Can't help it. Have to sort mail to get it to the right spot and certain things JUMP out at you. Complications are added when you're a mail carrier in your own community...has a tendency to be just more information than you need.



Have a Restricted Certified for a guy who I know is recently divorced.

From the Department of Social & Health Services.

He has kids - son is the same age as my youngest. They went to school together. So, ummm, child support right? Probably. Well, he's unhappy w/the ex, everyone is fussing and he gets this letter.

I hand it to him. Ask him to sign and print on the back to acknowledge receipt. He glares at me. Grabs the pen I offer and makes two quick X's.

His mark?

Sigh. Restricted delivery means it can go only to the person it is addressed to. And of course we have to be able to identify that by the signature. He's not illiterate. I gently repeat myself, saying I need him to sign and print his name...

"And if I refuse?" He belligerently asks.

"You can do that. As a matter of fact you may refuse to accept the letter," I say pleasantly.

"Fine." He says and thrusts it back at me. He has a smug look of satisfaction on his face.

You know, it's no skin off my back, other than wasting my time with his pointless tantrum. Indeed, he just demonstrated one of the great human failings - that being the attitude of:  Why do today that which you can put off until tomorrow.

So I take the letter, my pen and leave.

He, on the other hand, has just set into motion the machine. They'll keep after him until they get him. The nagging, phone calls, letters, summons etc. just won't stop until he deals with it. It's not like he's leaving the country. He has a house, a new girlfriend...really doesn't appear to be going anywhere soon and they, (his ex-wife, attorneys AND the DSHS) know where he lives.

The only thing he's accomplished with this childish snit is to lengthen the resolution process. And while he's taking a swing at (once again) the ex, the attorneys...the only ones he really hurts are the kids who need the child support money and he likes them - I think.

What a guy. So proud to have him in our community.


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